Takashi Arai does not see daguerreotype as a nostalgic reproduction of a classical method; instead, he has made it his own personal medium, finding it a reliable device for storing memory that is far better for recording and transmitting interactions with his subjects than modern photography. Beginning in 2010, when he first became interested in nuclear issues, Arai has used the daguerreotype technique to create individual records—micro-monuments—of his encounters with surviving crew members, and the salvaged hull, of the fallout-contaminated Daigo Fukuryūmaru fishing boat, records that touch upon the fragmented reality of events in the past. This project led him to photograph the deeply interconnected subjects of Fukushima, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Arai’s work has appeared in numerous exhibitions, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mori Art Museum, the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, among other international venues.
In 2016, he received the 41st Kimura Ihei Award for his first monograph “MONUMENTS”(PGI, 2015). Arai is also the winner of Source-Cord Prize, UK, in 2014. His works are held in the collections of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, and Musée Guimet, among others.
A Maquette for a Multiple Monument for the Wristwatch Dug Up from Ueno-machi, Nagasaki Atomic Bomb MuseumA Maquette for a Multiple Monument for B29:BockscarMarch 11, 2011. Todoroki, Fallout from US H-bomb test in 1954; sampled from Japanese fising boat Lucky Dragon 5May 13, 2012. Misako's Hibaku Piano (Piano Bombed and Exposed to the Radiation in the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima in 1954), Daigo Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall, Tokyo.Dec 12, 2012. Matashichi Oishi, a former crew of Daigo Fukuryu Maru, No.2A Multiple Monument for Lucky Dragon 5, Study #2The Atomic Bomb Dome No.1, HiroshimaA Multiple Monument for the Atomic Bomb Dome, Study, HirosimaMarch 23, 2014. The sun at the apparent altitude of 570m in WNW, Hijiyama Park, HiroshimaA Maquette for the Trinity Site No.2, White Sands Missile Range, NM, April 6, 2013
Here and There – Tomorrow’s Islands
July 26, 2011. Radioactive Lilies, Iitate village2011年12月23日、南相馬原町区雫
December 23, 2011. A Stray Dog, Haramachi, Minamisoma2012年1月10日、ファミリーマート、相馬市松川浦
January 10, 2012. Familymart, Matsukawaura012年1月10日、遠藤定昭、斗蔵満、相馬市松川浦
January 10, 2012. Fishermen at work, Matsukawaura2011年7月25日、飯舘村
July 25, 2011. Iitate village2012年1月19日、伊達市伏黒、仮設住宅、安斎徹
January 19, 2012. Toru Anzai at his Temporary Housing, Date2012年1月20日、野焼き、相馬市獺庭
January 20, 2012. Farmers burning off rice field, Kabaniwa, Soma2012年6月27日、漁船の修理、渡部克彦、南相馬市鹿島区海老
June 27, 2012. Katsuhiko Watabe, Repairing Fishing Boats, Kashima, Minamisoma2012年6月26日、下校中の高校生、南相馬市原町
June 26, 2012. High school students on their way home, Haranomachi, Minamisoma2013年3月12日、常円寺住職・阿部光裕と私有地に集められた汚染土、福島市山口
March 12, 2013. Koyu Abe, chief priest of Joen Temple, and barrels of radioactive soil stored in his private propaty, Yamaguchi, Fukushima