James Edward Westcott (1922 – 2019) was a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photographer who documented the construction, and operation of the Oak Ridge reactor in Tennessee during the Manhattan Project. Some of his images were among the photos that were distributed to news media with the announcement of the first atomic bomb. He also photographed Manhattan Project scientists, military generals, U.S. presidents and senators. He recorded civilian activities in Oak Ridge for the military newspaper and photographed nuclear power stations all over the United States.
J. Robert Oppenheimer a the Guest Lodge, Oak Ridge, in 1946General advisory committee to Atomic Energy Commison at Guest House (Alexander Inn). L-R Robert Oppenheimer, Dr. Charles Thomas, Herbert Marks, Carroll Wilson (1946)General Leslie Groves seated at a desk. (7/18/1945)
General Leslie Groves seated at desk talking on telephone. (7/18/1945)General Thomas F. Farrell (7/1945)
Colonel Kenneth Nichols (07/27/1945)
Dr. Eugene Wigner (02/27/1946), Director of Research and Development at the Clinton Laboratory (Oak Ridge)
Four men standing by fireplace, one seated. Dr. Arthur Compton standing second from right. (4/48/1946)Exterior of the Graphite Reactor at the X-10 site in Oak Ridge in 1950
Workers load uranium slugs into the X-10 Graphite Reactor's concrete face.Y-12 processing equipment. (1944)Y-12 Gunk extraction towers. (1944)
Y-12 Alpha racetrack for electromagnet separation of uranium.
Calutron operators at the Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge. This photo motivated Denise Kiernan to write Girls of Atomic City.Cubicle operators monitoring the calutron control panels at Y-12. (1944)
Shift change at the Y-12 during the Manhattan ProjectOak Ridge supermarket. Exhibited by National Archives with the title "Tulip Town Market, Grove Center"By James Earl Wescott
RG 434
11742_2005_001Manhattan Project A-Bomb pin presented to workers on the atomic bomb project. (1945)Color Photo of Oak Ridge townsite. (1944)
Color photo of view from Jackson Square looking toward Castle on the Hill. (1944)
Color photo of Oak Ridge High School, the Guest House (Alexander Inn), and Chapel on the Hill. (1944)
Aerial view of Oak Ridge looking east from Jefferson Square. (1945)
Aerial view of Y-12 plant. (09/08/1943)