Unknown Fields (UK/AU) is a nomadic design research studio directed by Kate Davies and Liam Young. They venture out on expeditions into the shadows cast by the contemporary city, to uncover the industrial ecologies and precarious wilderness its technology and culture set in motion. These distant landscapes — the iconic and the ignored, the excavated, irradiated and the pristine — are embedded in global systems that connect them in surprising and complicated ways to our everyday lives.
Unknown Fields make provocative objects and films from this expedition work, exploring the dispersed narratives that coalesce to form a contemporary city. They chronicle their expeditions in a book series titled Unknown Fields: Tales from the Dark Side of the City and their work has been published extensively in The Guardian, BBC, Wired, New Scientist and many more, and projects have been collected by institutions such as The New York Metropolitan Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney.