Gallery [slideshow] Port Radium - decaying canvas sacks used to port raw uranium Joyce Carradi - 3 Mile Island Ken Case Corbis Untitled (Minuteman II silo L6, Vale, South Dakota.), (#1248/11) 1992, color coupler print, 13X24 inches Untitled (Blast door, "November 1" Minuteman II Launch Control Center, Newell, South Dakota.), (#1251/18-19) 1992, Color coupler print, 16X20 inches Untitled (Combat Alert Facility for bomber crews, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota), (#1263/14-15) 1992, Color coupler print, 48X61 inches Untitled (Minuteman II Missile in Transporter Erector Vehicle, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota.), (#1267/5-6) 1992, Color coupler print, 48X61 inches Reason "Fred" Warehime, Atomic Veteran irradiated at the Nevada Test Site, shows the scar from the excision of his cancerous lung. Riverdale, California, 1988. Fred Warehime sports a 2-foot long scar around his entire torso from the surgery he endured to remove a cancerous lung. "[After the detonation of the Bomb] we went straight forward [to Ground Zero], which put us in really high radiation. The sand had melted into a glaze, like a brown glass. Then we got a "sunburn," and the guys all started throwing up, sick as dogs, all of them."